If you’ve ever scrolled all the way to the bottom of this blog, you’ll know that
I use Octopress (a Jekyll-powered blogging system written in Ruby) to build
it. What I like about Octopress is a subject for a different post, but I like it
a lot.
Of course, as an Emacs user, it pains me to drop to a command line to do
something that should be part of a fluid text editing workflow, and blogging is
a great example of such a scenario.
To solve that problem, I wrote Octopress.el, an Emacs package for blogging with
Octopress. Using Octopress.el, you can view your drafts and posts, publish,
unpublish, build, preview, and even deploy your Octopress blog right from within
Octopress.el can be installed right now from MELPA (package name:
octopress), or downloaded from my Github (repository:
octopress.el). Go get it, give it a try, send me issues or pull requests,
and get blogging!
If you want to go on more of a detailed tour, continue reading!