The Chronicle

of a ColdFusion Expatriate

Org Capture From Anywhere on Your Mac

November 24, 2016

I’m going to show you how you can create a “bookmarklet” button in your browser that will capture a note or link directly into Org Mode in your running Emacs. That’s right, you press a button in, say, Chrome, and Emacs pops up and displays your Org capture interface with the current webpage’s information in it.

Fair warning: this is a Mac-only post. What I will talk about is surely possible in Windows, but I have no idea how, so don’t ask. If you do know (or find out) feel free to use the comments section to share your knowledge with everyone else here.

How is this achieved? Through a little bit of magic called “Org Protocol.”

The goal of this exercise is to be able to click a button in Chrome and have your already-running GUI Emacs pop up with a capture buffer open containing the page title and URL of the webpage that was open in Chrome when you did that.

To accomplish this, we will use Org Protocol. The way it works is straightforward to wire up on a Mac, but there are several moving parts. This is what is going to happen:

  1. You click a “bookmarklet” button in your browser, and

  2. That bookmarklet is not a URL to a page, but rather a snippet of Javascript that composes a URL using a protocol prefix of org-protocol://.

  3. Javascript tells Chrome to visit that URL. Chrome sees that the protocol is not internally supported (e.g. http://, ftp://, etc.) and so it defers to the operating system to find a “handler” for that protocol.

  4. Through a bit of OS X magic, an AppleScript application has been registered as a handler of org-protocol:// URLs, so it is run and given this data.

  5. That AppleScript application runs emacsclient and hands it the URL, and then

  6. emacsclient communicates with your already-running Emacs (though the server/client connection) and Org’s Protocol module interprets the URL as a request to capture a specific template, which it carries out.

Why is it done this way? Primarily because the Emacs GUI program doesn’t register itself as a protocol handler on your system. It would be convenient if it did, and maybe someone can write a patch to support that some day, but until then we have this AppleScript layer in between.

Let’s get started.

Build a Protocol Handler

The code necessary to implement a system-level protocol handler in OS X is surprisingly simple, especially if you write it in AppleScript. Any application package whose Info.plist defines a “URL scheme” you want to respond to and that lives in /Applications is automatically registered as a handler for that scheme.

In the AppleScript code, you write an on open location routine that accepts the whole URL as an argument, and do what you want with it. In this case, we take that URL and pass it on as an argument to emacsclient.

Because I am a polite and generous hacker, I have already written this for you (Github). Other solutions do already exist, but I wrote my own for three reasons:

  1. To learn how (chiefly),
  2. To display a desktop notification letting you know that it worked, and
  3. To focus GUI Emacs (if it’s running) when capture is triggered.

The README within the project explains how to install and configure the protocol handler application. Essentially, edit the path to emacsclient if necessary and drop the application itself into /Applications. That’s it.

If you use terminal Emacs it should work just fine, but when you trigger a capture, the script will not be able to give Emacs the focus because it’s inside of some terminal somewhere that AppleScript can’t see. I recommend using GUI Emacs for many other reasons, but this is another good one.

Configure Emacs

The canonical guide for configuring Org Protocol is available on the Org Mode website. You should skim that guide and pay special attention to the following details:

  1. The org-protocol package should be included with your distribution of Org Mode, so you don’t need to install anything.

  2. You do need to (require 'org-protocol), because that package isn’t loaded by default, and finally

  3. You need to have the Emacs server running.

I have added (server-start) to my init file so that the Emacs server is always started when Emacs starts. The overhead involved in running this server interface is quite low.

If you just want to store a link to the current page for later insertion into an Org file, you don’t need anything else. If you want to capture the current page’s URL, title, and any selected text into a new Org element (using “capture”), you will need to set up a capture template.

Before getting into capture templates, let’s get a simple bookmarklet working.

To store a link for later insertion into an Org file, I use this bookmarklet:

javascript:(function () {
Note that I’ve added newlines and indentation here strictly for legibility; you should format this as a single continuous line for use in your browser.

Create a new bookmark and supply this string as the URL. I think it really works best if you use a bookmark on your bookmarks toolbar so that it is a button you can click on. When you click that button, your browser will attempt to visit this URL, which runs the Javascript that does all the magic.

If you’ve followed along closely up till now and you have Emacs and its server running and the Org Protocol Handler app in your /Applications directory and you click this bookmarklet, a desktop notification should appear informing you that the link has been saved.

Within Org you should be able to press C-c C-l to insert a link, and the first item should be the URL of the page you were viewing when you pressed the bookmark button! If not, you screwed something up!

Capturing Notes

Capture is where things start to get interesting. The URL scheme for capturing a new Org element is:

org-protocol://capture://<Template>/<URL>/<Title>/<Text (optional)>

The value of <Template> is the template “key” pointing to a specific template defined in org-capture-templates. You can read about how to configure a capture template in the Org Mode manual under Capture Templates.

Org Mode will open a capture window using the template indicated when this URL is sent through emacsclient. The net effect is that you can use a special template for these captures that contains placeholders for the interactive link, page title, and selected text.

Because Org Mode capture templates also specify the destination of the new entry, you can use this to capture general notes, make a list of sites for reading later, or anything else you can think of, just by changing the target template key in the bookmarklet.

Read more about this in the Org Protocol capture templates docs

OK, let’s get this thing working.

The Capture Template

I’m using a template designed to save links for later reading. It looks like this (this is what it would look like if it was my only template, which it isn’t; the variable can contain multiple templates like this):

(setq org-capture-templates
      '(("l" "A link, for reading later." entry
         (file+headline "" "Reading List")
         "* %:description\n%u\n\n%c\n\n%i"
         :empty-lines 1)))

The key for this template is the letter “l” (that’s lowercase “L”, for “link”). It is a new “entry” and should be added under the “Reading List” headline in “”

The important part is the format string. You can make use of some placeholder values for URL captures:

  • %c is the interactive link to the captured page

  • %i is the selected text, if any

  • %:description contains the plain text title of the page

In this template I am also using %u, which is an inactive timestamp. Various other standard placeholder values are defined in the Org Mode documentation for capture templates.

So now that we have a capture template, we can send a capture URL to emacsclient with a bookmarklet like this:

javascript:(function () {

Open some webpage of your choice, maybe select some text on the page, and hit this bookmarklet. Hopefully Emacs will come to the front with a capture window open, ready for you to tweak or edit the new entry and commit it to your notes!


This is one of the most sophisticated things I’ve done with Emacs so far. This functionality ties together OS-level protocol handling, custom AppleScript, and Org Mode configuration to create a way for programs I use all the time to talk to each other and make my life easier.

If you came away from this scratching your head, or if you use Windows and figured out how to make this work there, please leave comments below!

And if you’re in the US or Canada, happy Thanksgiving!
