The Chronicle

of a ColdFusion Expatriate

Learning to Love Emacs

January 17, 2015

It would be safe to say that I’m a Vim devotee; a follower. I own more than one t-shirt with Vim “stuff” on it (one bearing its logo, another the image of “HJKL” key caps). I’ve spoken at local Vim meetups, I subscribe to Vim-related lists, I’ve casually urged people to switch from Sublime Text to Vim at the office and a few actually did.

For me, saying that I use Emacs or, heaven forbid, advertising it through wardrobe choices, feels like an act of high treason.

Still, it is true. I’ve been secretly using Emacs for the past few months, exclusively. I have told a few people at work and all of them, without exception, literally gasped. That’s how broadly I had advertised my love of Vim. But it’s time now to explain why I switched and why you should think about switching, too.

Vim Is Awesome

What is it about Vim that is so awesome? Primarily, it is its mnemonically fluent, composable grammar, which lends itself to the common keyboard interface. Once you learn the keystroke for “delete,” and the keystrokes for “word,” “sentence,” “paragraph,” and so on, you can delete those things (we call them “text objects”) by typing the keystrokes one after another. Learn the keystroke for “yank” (which is “copy” in Vim parlance) and you can now yank all of those text objects. That’s what we mean by “composable,” and that is the source of Vim’s power.

Emacs, in its default configuration, uses sequences of modifier keystrokes to avoid pressing any bare letters or numbers to issue commands. This means that in order to delete letters, words, sentences, paragraphs, and so on, you must learn entirely new sequences of keystrokes, each of which putting your hands into contortions to press a modifier at the same time.

Vim’s approach is simpler to grasp and easier to execute. Paired with an array of impressive plug-ins adding everything from linting to git integration, it’s as close to an IDE as I’ve ever wanted.

Unfortunately for Vim–the editor that I have grown to love with a passion that spills from my words and actions on a daily basis and that even now I’m mildly proselytizing–it is a shitty piece of software. I mean, sure, you can run it on virtually any platform and it opens quickly and can handily edit huge files and for all of those reasons it is objectively superior to, say, EditPlus or even Sublime Text in certain circumstances. But that doesn’t make it a great piece of software.

There are three reasons that I believe Emacs to be superior to Vim as a software package.

Capabilities, Plain and Simple

Emacs is capable of more. Here are a few things that Emacs can do that Vim simply cannot; it can:

  1. Run tasks in the background (“asynchronously”). That includes extension code that you have written as well as shell programs, even while piping the output from those programs into visible windows. In Vim, this hangs the UI.
  2. Display graphics. If you use Emacs in its GUI form (which is recommended), it can display custom glyphs, images, and even full document formats like PDF. The GUI version of Vim (“gVim”) provides scrollbars, a toolbar, can display more colors, and… That’s it.
  3. Be truly extended. By this I mean that all of Emacs’ core functionality is exposed through elisp functions, which can be called and even overridden using a sort of mixin strategy called “advice.” Given this, there are few limitations to what you can do to customize it. Vim provides a scripting language that can manipulate most of Vim’s behavior, but it is limited primarily to modifying data; you cannot change any fundamental behaviors like how Vim draws line numbers.

The best example I can think of for how Emacs can be extended is “Evil Mode,” which essentially emulates Vim within Emacs, and it is a staggeringly complete implementation. The ex command prompt and all of the built-in commands (like “registers” and “bdelete” and so on) are implemented. Think about this. A seamless ex command prompt was implemented in elisp and it’s as good, if not better, than Vim’s own. Jumps, marks, registers, all of the text objects and associated commands… They’re all there.

But having a little Vim running inside your Emacs and being able to run some background tasks and hacking on elisp is only one of the reasons I think that Emacs is objectively better software.

Code Quality

I haven’t attempted to submit patches to Vim nor Emacs, but Geoff Greer has hacked on Vim code before, and his analysis of why Vim is a pretty terrible software project is compelling.

Here is an excerpt from his recent post, Why NeoVim Is Better than Vim:

I started programming in C almost 20 years ago. Vim is, without question, the worst C codebase I have seen. Copy-pasted but subtly changed code abounds. Indentation is haphazard. Lines contain tabs mixed with spaces. Source files are huge. There are almost 25,000 lines in eval.c. That file contains over 500 #ifdefs and references globals defined in the 2,000 line globals.h.

Some of Vim’s source code isn’t even valid text. It’s not ASCII or UTF-8. The venerable file can’t figure out the encoding.

As a programmer myself, this bothers me in principle. It is hard to hear that lurking behind the facade of one of your favorite programs is a pile of spaghetti code. Still, how a program is written is not necessarily a deal-breaker for the users of that program. Take, as an example, the various and long-lived Microsoft Office programs. We know from stories written by past and present Microsoft engineers that codebases of that size with reverse compatibility requirements of that magnitude are going to produce anything from mild shame to active regret in their maintainers.

But Microsoft is a giant and powerful software company that has the enviable luxury of hiring amazingly talented people and paying them generously to continue down that rocky path of maintenance and feature development because these products are indispensable in modern business and make tons of money for Microsoft and its employees and shareholders.

Vim, on the other hand, is “charityware,” is maintained and improved by a relatively small and devoted cadre of programmers who work for pure praise and self-satisfaction, and could, at least in theory, fall into an irrecoverable state of disrepair as other open source software projects have in the past if developers lose interest in the daily uphill battle of navigating disorganized code kept that way willfully by its original author.

None of this makes me feel supremely confident that Vim will actually improve steadily over time. In fact, the observations made by Greer in his post linked up above seem to indicate that not only will Vim improve slowly, if at all, but that a collapse into that irrecoverable state of disrepair I mentioned is frighteningly likely.

I mean, if you’re passionate about a project and you want to spend some of your time and energy contributing to it, about the last thing you want to do, especially as a newcomer, is dig through decades of cruft that core project maintainers have actively ignored.

This brings me to the final nail in the coffin, which is…

Project Leadership

Purely as a piece of software, Vim is a program that was written by Bram Moolenaar, who is still its primary maintainer. That is not, by any means, a bad thing. Linus Torvalds still approves all Linux kernel changes himself, because he’s passionate about it and because he’s damned good at it.

Still, Bram has been notoriously intractable on topics of modernization ranging from simple internals issues, like removing obsolete #ifdef branches that make Vim compatible with operating systems that aren’t even in use anymore (like BeOS, remember that one?), to adding capabilities broadly and passionately desired by Vim’s users such as asynchronous operations.

So strong is the will of the Vim community and so obstinate is Bram in his vision of what Vim ought to be that a guy by the name of Thiago Arruguda created a project called NeoVim that aims to provide all of that and more. Asynchronous processing? Sure. An extension language that stands on its own as feature-rich and fluent? Absolutely. A plug-in API that exposes everything for customization? Imagine!

NeoVim sounds very promising, but it is still in its infancy. It only compiles on a few platforms and it isn’t feature-complete yet. It might not be for some time to come. From what I have heard, the group of folks working on the project are friendly and welcoming to others willing to help. The Vim community lacks this because it is led and managed solely by Bram.

In an e-mail interview published on Binpress, 10 Questions with Vim’s creator, Bram Moolenaar, Alexis Santos asks, “How can the community ensure that the Vim project succeeds for the foreseeable future?” Bram answers, “Keep me alive. :-)”

That is a staggeringly, mind-blowingly irresponsible answer for the maintainer of such a venerable and ubiquitous project to offer his community. “Keep me alive?” Setting aside for a moment the inescapable fact that every human eventually dies, Bram’s flippant answer to this question does not inspire faith in me that the Vim project has a reliable stewardship and a bright and long future.

Let’s take a look at the Emacs side. Emacs was originally written by none other than Richard M. Stallman (often self-identified and sometimes addressed by his initials, “RMS”), who is also the founder of the Free Software Foundation and the creator of the GNU Project (GNU is Not UNIX). Stallman has a lot going on; he is involved in the operations of his foundation, he frequently gives talks on freedom and privacy topics, and he is involved with Emacs development as well.

I say “involved” because he stepped down as maintainer of Emacs in 2008, handing the reins to two gentlemen, Stefan Monnier and Chong Yidong, who had a proven track record of contributing to the project and vetting others' contributions. In classic RMS style, here is how Richard handed over the leadership of one of open source’s largest development efforts:

From:	 Richard Stallman
Subject: Re: Looking for a new Emacs maintainer or team
Date:    Fri, 22 Feb 2008 17:57:22 -0500

Stefan and Yidong offered to take over, so I am willing to hand
over Emacs development to them.

Problem solved.

Making the transition to Emacs isn’t transparent or instantaneous. Even with Evil Mode, there are some things you need to learn about how the system works, including, probably, a bit of elisp. But if you’re up for it, it can be a tremendously gratifying experience. All of the things you love about Vim, with all of the capabilities of what has been described as “a great operating system, lacking only a great text editor.” I believe that Evil Mode is that editor.
